Monday, October 19, 2009
THINGS WE ARE NOT: The trailer
Thursday, October 15, 2009
New order options for THINGS WE ARE NOT
1) PRINT option 1: I am continuing what was previously known as the pre-order deal: US readers may order directly from me, using the first Pay Pal button, the edition of the book for $16.00, shipping included. This offer also includes a subscription to M-Brane SF (PDF edition). Pros: It's a bit cheaper than it would be to order it from Amazon because the shipping is included. Plus, you get the zine! And this is the most direct way to support M-Brane SF and its writers, since we get to keep a larger share of the purchase price. Con: It may take a bit longer to get your book than by using the options below. This is because I need to periodically order copies sent to me and then send them out to you. So how fast you get it will depend on where I am in that process when I get your order. [NOTE: it is not necessary to have a Pay Pal account to use Pay Pal. You can use a credit or debit card. It is fast, easy and secure.]
2) ELECTRONIC option 1: Order the book in either PDF format or as a MOBI-format (.prc) ebook. The ebook version is viewable on devices that support non-DRM files in the .prc format, including Kindle and various smart phones. The PDF displays like a print book on a computer screen, and it can be printed if desired. I am told that the new Kindle 2 supports PDF viewing, but I cannot personally confirm that. Pro: Money raised through selling these goes straight into the M-Brane fund with no middlemen taking a cut, so it's a good way to support the cause. Also, you get a subscription to the zine (PDF or MOBI). Con: None really, but if you select the MOBI option please be sure that you know how to get it from an attached file and onto your device, and that your device indeed supports .prc files, because that is not an area of tech expertise for me.
[SUPER IMPORTANT! When ordering using Pay Pal, please make certain that you provide a correct email address--I have found during the pre-order period that some people using credit cards have made errors in their email addresses and I have not been able to start their zine subscriptions yet. If the address is wrong for these electronic edition orders it will be a serious drag.]
3) PRINT option 2: Order directly from our print-on-demand service. The link will take you to my CreateSpace e-store. Pros: You'll probably get the book faster than going with option 1. M-Brane's share of the sale is similar to that of option 1. Cons: It will also cost a bit more due to shipping unless you are getting multiple items. If you order this way, and then provide me with an email copy (at mbranesf at gmail dot com) of your CreateSpace receipt, I will include the zine subscription with this option as well.
4) PRINT option 3 and ELECTRONIC option 2: Order from Amazon, either the print edition or the Kindle edition. Pro: Probably the quickest way to get your book, and favorable price-wise if you are ordering multiple items from Amazon, since shipping cost drops a lot with bigger orders. So if you're buying something else from Amazon anyway, this is a good option. For Kindle users, this is obviously a simpler way to get it onto your device than the above MOBI option. Amazon is also probably the best option for international readers. Con: Because M-Brane's share of the sale with Amazon is considerably lower than with the other options, I am not including the free zine subscription for Amazon customers.
Sue Lange wins contest!
Ironically, Sue is one of the scant few voters who supported the boy cover, which, alas, did not even come close to winning, but which does survive as the back cover of the book.
If you happen to be seeing this post right after I post it here and start flogging it on Twitter, you may see that the pre-order deal is still up (described in previous post). Indeed, it's still up at this moment, and I will probably keep a deal going on at that price and with the zine subscription included, but soon there will be links to a couple of other ways to order it as well.
Monday, September 28, 2009
NOTE: The book will be shipped in opaque packaging with nothing on the exterior indicating the content of the book. I mention this for the reassurance readers who may not be in comfortable situations as far as receiving items that suggest samesex content. Also, Things We Are Not contains a few stories that have explicitly erotic content, and so should not be purchased by readers below the legal age to purchase adult-oriented media. Use of Pay Pal to order items sold by M-Brane SF implies that the customer is 18 years of age or older as required by Pay Pal's Terms of Service, and M-Brane assumes no responsibility for any moral outrage that may result from a younger reader somehow gazing upon our publications.
Check out the previous posts on this page for more information on the book, including several recent posts with information about the book's stories and its authors.
Though the design of the cover is long since completed and the result of the vote itself is no longer relevant, I am still accepting entries into the contest (using those $1.00 Vote Girl! and Vote Boy! buttons) to win the inscribed copy of the book. I will announce a winner by 10/15. By the way, the image below shows the book cover (front, back and spine).
Thursday, September 24, 2009
TWAN proof approved! Pre-order to start 9/28
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
More TWAN author profiles: Calsing, Walker, Wilson, Goodman, Roman, Gale
Monday, September 21, 2009
More TWAN author profiles: Robins, Kurisato, Bell, Kozzi and Arkenberg
Thursday, September 17, 2009
TWAN AUTHOR/STORY PROFILES: Rustad, Jeffers, Shapter, Gaskell and Griffiths
Lisa Shapter offers one of the most deeply subversive stories in the anthology, her “The World in His Throat,” a stand-alone excerpt from a longer novel. Told in a mode that reminded me (for some reason) somewhat of cerebral East European-style sf (think the 1970s Russian-made film version of Lem’s Solaris), it takes on issues of gender roles and reproductive rights in the context of males—military men, no less—needing to bear children as the “mothers” of a new human colony on a distant planet. Without revealing too many “spoilers,” I think readers will find fascinating and perhaps surprising the course of events for the first child of this new world, a boy engineered with the ability to self-impregnate, and the decision he makes for himself.
In “The Offside Trap,” Stephen Gaskell confronts homophobia and the psychological pain of denying who you are in the context of a sports story. Jacksy is a football team captain (that’s “soccer” to those of us in the States) with a strange ability. His personal life and his understanding of himself is upended when a new man joins the team, a man that Jacksy suspects of being a stealth gay and whose very presence comes to be perceived as an attack. Readers who know me personally may raise an eyebrow that I, the epitome of the non-sports fan, even selected a soccer story for this book. Readers will see why I did, however, when they read this one. It is gripping and darkly beautiful, much like (I am told) the game itself can be. Stephen Gaskell is a Clarion grad, a Writers of the Future published finalist and recently appeared in M-Brane SF with his story “Prisoners.”
As readers of Michael D. Griffiths’ “Skinjumper” serial in M-Brane are aware, Mike has a fascination with the concept of cloning and mind/body transfer as a means of literally changing one’s biological sex. His offering for Things We Are Not is not a Skinjumper story, but it does deal with technologically-aided sex-swapping. With science fiction television, such as Star Trek, I have been told that the producers call episodes that are set entirely within the spaceship “bottle shows.” Also, back in the early days of science fiction movies there were plenty of examples of stories where a crew of people (men, mostly) travelled through space and worked out their very dramatic yet very Earthly issues in the confines of a ship. This story sort of took me back to those days. We have here a small party of people, men of no particular virtue other than their abilities to run a spaceship, who come into conflict with each other as a bizarre series of events plays out. It features gender-switching and an unbalanced, grotesquely sexist villain prowling the corridors. I was happy when I found the story because I had been thinking that we needed a grim “bottle show” to round out the book’s spectrum of subgenres. Mike’s next Skinjumper tale will appear in M-Brane #10.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
THINGS WE ARE NOT progress report; update on cover art and the contest
I am changing course somewhat on how to present the cover art. I had planned to have two distinct editions with the girl cover on one and the boy cover on the other (which plan inspired the vote/contest to select the favorite). It turns out that doing two different covers--because of the way my print publisher works--would make this essentially two distinct publication projects, creating a number of hassles too dull to describe in detail here. Also, since I will be selling/shipping most of the domestic orders on the print edition directly from here rather than directing everyone to Amazon, it would add another layer of logistical challenge just as far as having the right amount of the right kind of book on hand. It sometimes happens that what once seemed like a brilliant plan looks much less so when all the details become known.
So, here's the new plan: I am still using both pieces of art, but the girl version will fill the front cover and the boy version will appear on the back, and I am endeavoring to not have the lads be too obscured by back-cover text. This way, everyone can enjoy both pieces of Mari's artwork, while the overwhelming winner of the vote gets to be on the front. I should be able to display an image of the finished cover within a few days. As to the vote: I am going to leave the dollar donation buttons for the girl vs. boy contest up. I will still enter anyone who votes into the drawing for the Fabulous Prize (see original post on the contest)! At this point the female cover has an insurmountable lead in the voting, and since I need to go to press with a final cover shortly, I am going to declare that the lovely ladies have won this election in a landslide. But it's still worth trying to win the prize, and those dollars all go toward the good cause of keeping M-Brane alive and well.
In a few days I will be posting some profiles of the book's authors on this page. So check back soon (I will also place notice of news on this page on the M-Brane main page as well).
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009

You'll see over in the right-hand column under the Benefactor donation buttons, two more donation buttons, entreating you to vote for either the "Boy" or "Girl" versions of Mari Kurisato's cover art for Things We Are Not (images with this post). The contest rules are quite lax:
Friday, August 7, 2009
Yesterday I announced the title, table of contents and put up a cover art preview for Things We Are Not (see previous post). I have also set up this separate M-Brane blog page just for matters related to the anthology.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am quite impressed with the diversity and quality of stories that I ended up with for this project. Some stories deal directly with issues of sexuality, while some incorporate it as an incidental element in the story. The collection has a good gender balance also, with female writers creating both female and male characters; male writers doing the same; and writers of both sexes imagining some new expressions of queer sexuality that are made possible by science fiction. The authors themselves represent across the spectrum as well. While I do not know the personal orientations of all of them (nor is it my business), I happen to know that plenty of the stories come from str8 male and female writers as well as gay guys and lesbians. I am very happy that the premise of the book did not ward away straight writers, nor did it attract too much cheesiness from gay male erotica writers (note: I very much like gay male erotica, but I didn’t want it to dominate the collection; I’ll also note that a lot of str8 female fantasists seem, for some reason, to be especially good at writing gay male erotica).
Now to the necessary panhandling portion of this post: The initial publication of the anthology involves a couple of up-front costs that I would like to have comfortably defrayed ahead of time to ease stress on my little family. New subscriptions and single-copy sales of M-Brane have been seriously lagging for the last couple of months, and the treasury is being depleted rather too quickly. I am going to do some advance sales of Things We Are Not soon, which should help, but I have decided to also offer a way for interested parties to support this project for a very modest sum in exchange for some promotion by way of M-Brane (the zine and the blog) and within Things We Are Not. Specifically, I would like to raise an extra $500. More would be great, too, but $500 would make things comfortable both for the launch of the book and for the next few months of the zine. This is how I would like to do it:
Become a Benefactor of M-Brane SF and Things We Are Not:
In exchange for a donation, I am offering the following:
1. Listing on a sponsorship page in Things We Are Not of your name or project or company, a one-line description of who you are or what your business is, where applicable, and the address of your webpage, if applicable. For example, it could say something like: “Chris Fletcher, President of the United States, Defending Democracy, www.” Or “Big Scary Object Magazine: The biggest and scariest sf magazine in the Galaxy. (website)” Or “Clive McPowell, DDS: Dentist and lover. Best oral care.” Or, “Olaf Stapledon, deceased science fiction writer. Follow my new blog at…” And so on. You get the idea. And you don’t need to be selling anything either or pushing a website. A sponsorship can just be on behalf of yourself or even anonymous.
2. Listing of the same sponsorship information, with my abundant thanks, in M-Brane #9 (October).
3. Listing of same sponsorship information, with web links, on the Things We Are Not blog page for as long as this page remains up.
4. For donation amounts of $20.00 or greater, all the above plus an electronic advance review copy of the book (in PDF), issued a week or two ahead of the official publication date of the paper editions and the other formats, and a year subscription to the PDF edition of M-Brane SF.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cover image preview

The great Mari Kurisato has prepared two fantastic images as possible cover art for this book. I preview them both here as they might appear in the finished product. Please note that this design is just a mock-up, a temporary thing meant to convey roughly what the book cover may look like. The final product may (almost certainly will) be different. I will be conducting a vote, as part of an actual contest with a prize, to determine which of these images ends up being on the final cover. More news about that will follow soon.
Contents announced: THINGS WE ARE NOT
The upcoming M-Brane “queer anthology” will henceforth be called by its newly official title Things We Are Not, which is also the title of Brandon Bell’s contribution to it. While the title means one thing in the context of Brandon’s story, I strongly felt that it could apply appropriately to the entire contents of the book. In four syllables, it seems to catch a bit of the rebellion and transgression that infuses the entire collection. As this project’s editor, I will concede that I may be unduly enthusiastic about it, but I am convinced that this collection is not what anyone is expecting. It is better.
I am not ready to show the cover art yet, but I will list below the authors and their story titles. This table of contents is provisional pending completion of contracts with the writers (yes, writers, I will be sending you those shortly, I promise), and the order in which stories are listed does not necessarily indicate their order in the final publication. The cover art has been created by Mari Kurisato and will be shown soon. The catch, however, is that we have two covers from Mari and there will be a contest to determine which one ends up being the final one. Details will follow within a few days.
Alex Wilson “Outgoing”
Derek J. Goodman “As Wide as the Sky, and Twice as Explosive”
Alex Jeffers “Composition With Barbarian and Animal”
C.B. Calsing “Seeker”
Trent Roman “Confessions of a Call Herm”
Mari Kurisato “Connected”
Larissa Gail “Diplomatic Relations”
Eden Robins “Switch”
Deborah Walker “The Meerprashi Solution”
Jay Kozzi “Pos-psi-bilities”
Abby “Merc” Rustad “Queen for a Day”
Therese Arkenberg “Reila’s Machine”
Christopher Fletcher “The Robbie”
Stephen Gaskell “The Offside Trap”
Michael D. Griffiths “Transitions”
Lisa Shapter “The World in His Throat”
Brandon Bell “Things We Are Not…”
[Notes: Wilson’s story appeared previously in Asimov’s (February 2007); Jeffers’ story appeared in slightly different form in Universe 3 (1994, Robert Silverberg and Karen Haber, editors). Goodman, Walker, Arkenberg, Griffiths, Rustad, Kozzi and Bell have appeared with other stories in the pages of M-Brane SF. Gaskell has a story upcoming in M-Brane #8; Robins and Kurisato both have stories upcoming in M-Brane #9.]